To help you your create print ready artwork, we have created a collection of short tutorials to explain the essential requirements.
It is vital that your artwork meets these requirements or your order may be delayed whilst we ask you to make corrections.
You can continue to prepare artwork in your preferred design software.
All you need is an additional separation to act as a mask for all the areas that you would like to enhance on your artwork.
It is important to make sure that this layer is identical in all respects (size, orientation, crop, position of images and text etc.) to your original CMYK artwork.
To achieve density effects, you just apply different levels of opacity to the desired elements; to achieve a high gloss effect you apply full density at 100% opacity,for a matte effect, you apply low density from 5% to 30% opacity.
If the item to be enhanced is a picture, you will need to create a mask in Photoshop.
You will see the different densities on the UV layer.
You will need to save and supply the graphic file in the two layers as separate PDF’s.
Name the first image file as filename_CMYK and the second Scodix Spot Layer as filename_UV as PDF’s