Glossy, matt, course, flat, foiled, textured, patterned, raised... These are just a 'sense' of what is to come...
Working closely with Scodix™, Scodify, the first and only Scodix™ trade finishing house in the UK, will create accessibility to this technology. Through our online resource, launching later this year, we will demonstrate and help explore these opportunities with those who recognise and embrace this new generation of print possibilities.
Discover a world of different print enhancement techniques.
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Front covers sell! With this is mind as little as 10p to transform a magazine or book cover into something more interactive that delivers a message of quality & impact, is easily justifiable.
The Scodix process offers differentiation and in turn delivers a genuine competitive edge for the printer.
With a low cost per page and rapid turnaround time, Scodix digital enhancement can deliver truly memorable keepsakes.
Beatior autas evenda volluptae. Rorendae nonsendelia dolene nobist alit ea qui quid